The Optimist
May 21 - June 20
On the surface, Gemini seems like a naysayer. But when it comes to broadening their horizons, they are actually pretty optimistic, especially when it comes to travel. Before taking a trip, Gemini, I bet that you quietly hang your hopes on it being a grand adventure. You dream, but never expect any of those dreams to come true.
If you let your imagination play with your determination, Gemini, magical things can happen. You just have to wander outside of your comfort zone. Resist your introverted urges and give your hope wings. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Who would you meet?
For the positive-thinking Gemini, there's an opportunity to find romance abroad. And remember, romance isn’t just about finding a mate. New love can come from friendships, as well as new interests and hobbies. You just need to put yourself out there.
Gemini, you should try to explore a city near the water, such as Portland, Maine or Tampa, Florida. If you’re looking to get out of the country, take a trip with friends to Dublin or Galway or Barcelona. Give it a chance, and luck and destiny will align in the most unlikeliest of places.
Tarot Card Reading for Travel
Interested in learning more about traveling as a Gemini?
Click below to learn more about getting a Gemini tarot card reading for travel.